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CROI2019 – News related to HIV from Tamás Bereczky

Blog of Shiva Mantra - HIV/AIDS News from Tamas Bereczky

Thank you for your work, Tamás Bereczky!

Unfortunately Tamás did not have the chance to go to this year’s CROI conference, but he summarized the most important news in his vlog.  CROI, is the abbreviation of “Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections”. Every year this is the most important scientific conference that deals with HIV and AIDS. In this video, Tamás speaks also about the second patient, who seems like got cured from HIV. But as he added: there are more important and more interesting news for the people who live with HIV. For instance, the good performances of the monthly injections are especially exciting. It seems like these are also capable to keep the virus load under the detectable level.

Follow the vlog of Tamás on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bereczky

E-mail address of Tamás: bereczky@bereczky.hu

Information about PrEP-ről in Hungarian on PrePER: http://preper.hu/

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