Kezdőlap Baxtarte The coming out story of Roland Korponovics

The coming out story of Roland Korponovics

Roland Korponovics shared his coming out story with us. Thank you, Roland!

“After my father died in an accident, I had the first, very deep thought that I have to verbalize this. Not only because they deserve it because he would have deserved it, too. But also because I deserve it.”

The organizers of Budapest Pride, the Rainbow Mission Foundation held the first Coming Out Day in Hungary on October 11, 2011.

Budapest Pride, the Rainbow Mission Foundation held the first Coming Out Day in Hungary on October 11, 2011. Also joining their campaign, we asked Roma LGBTQI people to share their coming out stories with us.

In our video, Roland Korponovics visual artist tells how he came out as gay to his family at his age of 26. Roland – as he said – was “fortunate enough” because his mother and sister were both supportive about his coming out.